Is the Cheapest Medication the Best for YOU? Or is the Best Medication Cheaper in the Long Run?

kidney cancer

Imagine hearing from your doctor that you must, “Fail first on this cheaper drug. Then I can prescribe a carefully chosen treatment.”

In January of 2019, new Medicare Advantage prescription rules change. Cleverly called “step therapy”, this is a step backwards for our RCC friends with MA plans, undermines the autonomy of doctors, limits timely access to approved medications and may shorten lives of patients given ineffective medication.

“Step therapy” takes treatment recommendations from the doctor and gives it to the bookkeepers looking for savings first. Benefit to patients is likely delayed, while the cancer grows.

With our multiple tumor types, not every medication is right for every patient, their side effects and stage. “Step therapy” is threat to basic and effective care and life-threatening for some.

Before getting the drug thought best for him, the patient must “fail first” before he can “step” to the next. What consitutes a failure?Lack of response, toxicity at a certain level, growth of more mets, and over what period of time? When can the patient go to the more effective drug?

In the long run, this may all Medicare patients, and all insured patients We cannot let this rule stand.

KCCure, on whose board I serve as a Patient Advisor  is one of 239 different organizations which is sending a letter to CMS–the Medicare agency–to protest the change and to explain its impact on us. ( Check for lots of valuable information on kidney cancer issues.)

Do be aware that you can help by contacting your federal reps, to let them know how dangerous this change can be for all of us. Be prepared to explain that not every patient is the same, nor is every medication. Take a stand for yourself and your fellow patients.

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Filed under FDA Medications, FDA Meds & Trials, Guidelines, Patient Activism, Patient Engagement, Therapies

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